Saturday, February 27, 2010

Week 6 Georeferencing

This was interesting week of work. It allowed us to move into basic functions of GIS better. It would been a better to use a map of a country or state. It would allow for more understanding of referencing systems. Then the second map would be the one we did this week.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Week 5 Map 3

I hated this exercise. It showed me the things missing in my experince with GIS. The hardest thing was finding the data. I enjoy having someone getting this for me and just letting me use the data. Just my opion.

Week 5 Map 2

This was a very interesting project. I have not worked with the ArcTool Box that much and it help me understand the tools avaiable. I also used the selection tool to allow me to extract Polygon data.

Week 5 Map 1

This is just to show the required data. My other maps had to much information to depict the reqiured data.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Haiti Post 2

This is not a map but a way to show donations. It does not have a geographic picture behind the data but it looks good. Just one guys opion.

Haiti Post

This was a map made to show what some agencies have done to support relief to Haiti. I liked this map because it shows the simple way to display information. It also needs little explanation for the intended audience. Which showed where the donations were going.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Week 5

This was a great way to reinforcing the proper way to format a map. It helped me to look at the map without worring about doing to much work on the data input. Is there a way we can get feed back on projects we have completed?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Week 3 Deliverable 3

I thought it worked best to display the high areas in a dark brown. The earthly tone works best for me.

Week 3 Deliverable 2

This was very difficult for me due to some of the instructions.

Week 3 Deliverable 1

Some details are confusing in the insturctions of this lab.